Teasing Khan

Khan Noonien Singh, from Star Trek’s “Space Seed” episode.

In 2009, J.J. Abrams successfully rebooted the Star Trek franchise. This was no small task; Trekkies are notoriously picky. The filmmaker took pains to include many details that only true nerds could appreciate.

Several of these fan-pleasing scenes were cut from the final production. For example, William Shatner’s cameo apparently made it into the script but was never shot.[1] Another scene that the filmmakers considered, then decided against, was a post-credits teaser for the inevitable Khan-centric sequel.

Here’s how I imagine that scene playing out:


Close-up of KIRK, slouched confidently in the captain’s chair. OLD SPOCK stands beside him.

OLD SPOCK Once again, Captain, I am sincerely grateful for…

KIRK waves hand.

KIRK …Our pleasure, Ambassador. We’ll get you to New Vulcan safe and sound; it’s the least we can do. In fact—

YOUNG SPOCK (concerned edge in voice) —Captain.

KIRK What is it, Spock?

YOUNG SPOCK We’re picking up a vessel off the port bow.

KIRK spins to face YOUNG SPOCK, who is staring into his viewscreen.

KIRK Out here? What kind of vessel?

YOUNG SPOCK I… do not know. It is… quite old.

KIRK On screen.

Cut to shot of crude-looking ship, its hull scarred and pitted. It floats adrift, spinning slowly. Shot of OLD SPOCK, brow furrowed—as if trying to remember…

KIRK Life signs?

YOUNG SPOCK Several dozen humanoids… [looks up, hint of concern in voice] Captain, their signals are quite faint.

Decision made, KIRK springs into action. He flips his chair’s comm switch.

KIRK Bones! Meet us in the transporter room!

MCCOY (over comm) On my way. KIRK leaps up from his chair.

KIRK Spock, you’re with me. Sulu, you have the conn.

YOUNG SPOCK and SULU Aye, Captain.

KIRK and YOUNG SPOCK exit via turbolift. Camera follows SULU to command chair, then pans back to OLD SPOCK, who’s looking down, puzzled. Shot hovers on him for a few seconds, then zooms out to include CHEKOV.


Close-up of OLD SPOCK as he raises his eyes to the viewscreen. His mouth drops open. Recognition and fear flood his face.

Cut to viewscreen. The unnamed vessel continues its driftless spin. As the ship turns, its name emerges from the shadows. The words are clearly legible: SS BOTANY BAY.

Cut to black.

  1. Somehow, no one has yet to splice together a fan edit of this unshot scene. Get on that, Trek nerds!  ↩

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